Saturday, August 4, 2012

Big Island, Hawaii, Forest added to Old-Growth Forest Network

Entrance to the Puu Makaala Natural Area Reserve

At the dedication celebration on July 30th. Alyson, Jill Nadine, and the County Coordinator, Evan
 "A forest in every county protected from logging and open to the public" is the goal of the Old-Growth Forest Network. I am happy to announce that the Network now includes a Hawaiian forest!

 Puu Makaala Natural Area Reserve is 18,730 acres in size and was established in 1981 to protect unique native rain­forest. Long-Term management of this forested watershed provides multiple benefits including protec­tion of the island’s water resources, undeveloped open spaces, and cul­turally significant areas. The reserve provides habitat for rare native plants and animals preserving the biod­iversity of Hawai‘i for current and future generations. This wet forest contains many large old ohia trees, false sandalwood trees, and towering hapuu tree ferns.

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